Weather forecast and temperature for today
New York, NY


Weather forecast and temperature for today - Friday, Apr 19.

Light Rain Late
6:09 am

7:40 pm
Light Rain Late
  • Wind: 6mph SSW
  • Humidity: 84%
  • Precip. probability: 74%
  • Precipitation: 0.04"
  • UV index: 0
In New York, for the rest of the night, light rainfall is forecasted.
Minimal precipitation is anticipated for today. The lowest temperature will be a chilly 48.2°F (9°C).
Sunrise was at 6:09 am and sunset at 7:40 pm; the daylight lasted for 13h and 30min.

Current condition and temperature - New York, NY

11:06 pm EDT
  • 50°F
  • Feels like: 48°F
  • Wind: 5mph SE
  • Humidity: 80%
  • Dewpoint: 45°F
  • Pressure: 30.04"Hg
  • Precipitation: 0"
  • Visibility: 10mi
  • UV index: 0
Currently, in New York, the clouds are noticeable in the skyline.
The temperature is a fresh 50°F (10°C), while the felt air temperature is a similar 48.2°F (9°C). The current temperature is near the lowest predicted 48.2°F (9°C) for today.

Frequently asked questions

What is the current temperature in New York?

The current temperature (11:06 pm) in New York is 50°F (10°C).

What is the weather forecast for New York for today?

In New York, for the rest of the night, light rain is expected.

Will it rain today in New York?

There is a high chance of rainfall, but precipitation will be minimal.

When are sunrise and sunset today in New York?

On Friday, in New York, sunrise was at 6:09 am and sunset at 7:40 pm (EDT).

How long is the day today in New York?

Today in New York, the length of the day was 13h and 30min.

Hourly weather forecast and temperature - New York, NY

New York, New York, USA

  • en: New York, New York, USA
  • es: Nueva York, Nueva York, EE.UU.
  • sr: Njujork, Nju Jork, SAD
  • zh: 纽约, 纽约, 美国
  • Latitude: 40.712784°
  • Longitude: -74.005941°
  • Elevation: 33 ft
  • Current time: 11:10pm EDT
  • Sunrise: 6:09 am EDT
  • Sunset: 7:40 pm EDT
  • Timezone: America/New_York
Climate data


Humidity - Glossary
Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air and affects human health, comfort, climate, and weather forecasting. Strategies such as ventilation, dehumidification, and air conditioning can be used to regulate humidity indoors. Read more »